• Professional quality, lowest price
  • Least segments; most sturdiest
  • 5-Year Warranty
  • The genuine original telescopic pole
Cleaning the greenhouse

For gardening enthusiasts, a greenhouse is an oasis of growth and tranquility. It is a refuge where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You can grow your own plants, vegetables, fruits and herbs there. Maintenance is required to keep your greenhouse in good condition. You will want to clean the glass of your greenhouse thoroughly and carefully. It is important to clean hard-to-reach places in a safe and efficient manner. If you want to do an optimal job cleaning the glass, the telescopic handles from High-clean.com/en are the best solution for you.

How to clean a greenhouse?

With the help of a telescopic handle, you can clean the glass of your greenhouse perfectly. Normally, it is not possible to clean your entire greenhouse from ground level. You can work while standing on a ladder, but not everyone wants to do this. Moreover, this can be risky, since a fall from a ladder can cause nasty injuries. Thanks to the telescopic handles of High-clean.com/en, you can clean the glass from ground level. Every spot is accessible, making thorough cleaning possible.

You work in a safe manner that costs you less time and effort. Our telescopic handles are ergonomically designed and comfortable to use. Moreover, the telescopic handles can be extended, but they remain stable and the mounting is solid. This prevents you from doing work that is beyond your capabilities. You will immediately notice that you have a quality product. From now on, you will be able to clean the glass of your greenhouse in no time.

Benefits of cleaning a greenhouse

Cleaning the glass of your greenhouse has several benefits. Firstly, it is the best way to maximize the incidence of light. Dirt accumulations on the glass can ensure that your plants and/or crops receive less light than they need for optimal growth. Maximizing the incidence of light guarantees healthy plant growth. 

Contamination on the outside of your greenhouse not only looks dirty, but dirt and dust can also attract pathogens and pests. Phytophthora and dahlia gall are good examples of diseases that can affect plants and crops in greenhouses. The timely cleaning of your greenhouse reduces the risk of the spread of such diseases.

Cleaning the glass contributes to an overall longer lifespan of your greenhouse. Accumulation of contaminants can lead to corrosion. Regular maintenance, using a telescopic handle, prevents these problems. Moreover, a clean greenhouse simply looks better. This makes your garden more beautiful. In addition, you will have a more pleasant environment in which to pursue your hobby. Your greenhouse will become your oasis of peace in this busy world.



The High-clean.com/en product range includes various high-quality telescopic handles. You can use them to clean the glass of your greenhouse, both on the outside and on the inside. The Aluminum Telescopic Handle is the best option for every budget. The Carbon Fiber Telescopic Handle is lighter and sturdier, suitable for both professional use and more demanding domestic work. The 3K Full Carbon Telescopic Handle is of the highest quality, and is both the lightest and the sturdiest telescopic handle.

It is best to thoroughly clean your greenhouse on a day with mild weather. Plants and crops can then be left outside for a while without any problems. A washing brush is suitable for this task. Work from top to bottom. In the case of contaminants that are more difficult to remove, you can add a cleaning agent to the water using a soap dispenser. The Super Window Cleaner 1L is a suitable option. Order everything you need for this task at High-clean.com.



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