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Privacy statement High-clean.com

Version 0.2, last amended on 21/04/2022


About our privacy policyHigh-clean.com care a lot about your privacy. That is why we only process the details that we require for (improvement of) our service provision and we handle the information we collected about you and regarding your use of our services with due care. We will never make your details available to third parties for commercial purposes.

This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the subsequently accessible service provision of High-clean.com.

The effective date for the validity of these conditions is 25/01/2019, with the publication of a new version, the validity of all previous versions will lapse. This privacy policy describes which details of you are collected by us, what these details are used for and with whom and under which conditions these details could be shared with third parties. We will also explain to you how we store your details and in which way we protect your details against misuse, as well as about the rights you have with regard to the personal details that you provided us with.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, you can contact our contact person for privacy matters, the contact details can be found at the end of our privacy policy.

About the processing of details

Below you can read in which way we process your details, where they are stored, which security techniques we use to whom the details are insightful.

Web shop software


Our web shop was developed with software of WooCommerce, regarding our web hosting we opted for Versio. Personal details that you make available to use, for purposes of our service provision, will be shared with this party. Versio has access to your details to give us (technical) support, they will never use the details for a different purpose. On the basis of the agreement we entered into with them, Versio is obliged to take appropriate security measures. These security measures consist of the application of SSL-encryption and a strong password policy. Back-ups are made frequently, to prevent loss of data.


We use webhosting and email services by Brand-experience.nl. Brand-experience.nl processes personal details on behalf of us and will not use your details for own purposes. This party could however collect meta data about the use of the services. These are not personal details. Brand-experience.nl has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent loss and unauthorised use of your personal details. Based on the agreement, Brand-experience.nl is bound to non-disclosure.

Email and mailing lists


We will send our email newsletters via MailChimp. MailChimp will never use your name and email address for own purposes. At the bottom of each email, that is sent automatically via our website, you can find the ‘unsubscribe’ link. Clicking it will stop you from receiving our newsletter. Your personal details are stored securely by MailChimp. MailChimp makes use of cookies and other internet technologies that make it insightful whether emails are opened and read. MailChimp reserves the right to use your details for further improvement of the service provision and share information with third parties in the context thereof.


For our regular business email traffic, we make use of the services of Brand-experience.nl. This party has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of your and our details as much as possible. Brand-experience.nl has no access to our post box and we treat all of our email traffic confidentially.

Payment processors


For the processing of (part of) the payments in our web shop, we make use of the Mollie platform. Mollie processes your name, address and domicile as well as your payment details, such as your bank account or credit card number. Mollie has taken suitable technical and organisational measures to protect your personal details. Mollie reserves the right to use your details to further improve the service provision and to share (anonymised) details with third parties in the context thereof. All abovementioned guarantees concerning the protection of your personal details also apply to the aspects of Mollie’s service provision, for which they make use of third parties. Mollie will retain your details no longer than is permitted on the basis of legal terms.


Web shop Keur

We collect reviews via the platform of Web shop Keur. If you leave a review via Web shop Keur, then you must state your name, domicile and email address to us. Web shop Keur will share these details with us, so we can link the review to your order. Web shop Keur will also publish your name and domicile on their own website. In some cases, Web shop Keur could contact you to ask for an explanation regarding your review. If we invite you to leave a review, we will share your name and email address with Web shop Keur. They will use these details only with the aim to invite you to leave a review. Web shop Keur has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal details. Web shop Keur reserves the right to make use of third parties for purposes of service provision, which we gave Web shop Keur permission for. All abovementioned guarantees, with regard to the protection of your personal details also apply to the service provision elements for which Web shop Keur makes use of third parties.

Trusted Shops

We collect reviews via the platform of Trusted Shops. If you leave a review via Trusted Shops, you must state your name, domicile and email address. Trusted Shops will share these details with us, so we can link the review to your order. Trusted Shops will publish your name and domicile also on the own website. In some cases, Trusted Shops could contact you to add an explanation to your review. In the event that we invite you to leave a review, we will share your name and email address with Trusted Shops. They will use these details only with the aim to invite you to leave a review. Trusted Shops has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal details. Trusted Shops reserves the right to make use of third parties for purposes of service provision, which we gave Trusted Shops permission for.. All abovementioned guarantees with regard to protecting your personal details also apply to the service provision elements for which Trusted Shops makes use of third parties.

Shipment and logistics

Parcel Service

If you place an order with us, it is our duty to have the package delivered to you. It is therefore imperative that we share your name, address and domicile details with our parcel service. Our parcel service will use these details only for purposes of performance of the agreement.

Invoicing and accounting

SnelStart (Quick start)

For purposes of keeping our administration and accounting we make use of the services of SnelStart. We will share your name, address and domicile details and details with regard to your order. These details will be used for the administration of sales invoices. Your personal details will be submitted and stored via a protective method. SnelStart is bound to confidentiality and will treat your details confidentially. SnelStart will not use your personal details for any purposes other than described above.

Purpose of the processing of details

General purpose of the processing

We use your details only for our service provision. This means that the purpose of the processing is always directly connected to the order that you issue. We do not use your details for (targeted) marketing. If you share details with us and we use these details to – other than at your request – contact you at a later stage, we will ask for your explicit permission. Your details will not be shared with third parties, other than for purposes of complying with accountancy and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all bound to confidentiality, on the basis of the agreement between them and us, or an oath or legal obligation.

Automatically collected details

Data that is collected automatically by our website will be processed with the aim to further improve our service provision. These details (e.g. your IP-address, web browser and operating system) are not personal details.

Cooperation in fiscal and criminal investigation

In some cases, on the basis of a legal obligation, High-clean.com could be obliged to share your details in connection with a fiscal or criminal investigation or as ordered by the authorities. In such events, we will be forced to share your details, yet we will oppose wherever possible within the limit of the law.

Retention periods

We will retain your details as long as you are our customer. This means that we will keep your customer profile until you indicate that you no longer wish to make use of our services. If you report this to us, we will regard this as a “request to be forgotten”. Based on applicable administrative obligations, we must retain invoices with your (personal) details, these details will thus be retained during the applicable term. Employees will however no longer have access to your customer profile and the documents that we created in response to your order.

Your entitlements

Based on prevailing Dutch and European Law you, as a party involved have certain rights with regard to the personal details that are processed by us or on behalf of us. Below we will explain which rights they are and how you can invoke these rights. In principle, we will only send statements and copies of your details to your email address known to us, to prevent misuse. In the event that you wish to receive the details on a different email address or, for instance, by mail, we will ask you to identify yourself. We keep an administration of requests dealt with, in the event of a request to be forgotten, we will register anonymised details. You will receive all statements and copies of details you in the machine-legible data formats that we make use of within our systems. At all times, you will be entitled to file a complaint at the Data Protection Authority if you suspect that we use your personal details inaccurately.

Right of access

You are always entitled to access the details that we (have) processed and which concern you or can be traced back to you. You can submit such a request to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response within 30 days after your request. If your request is granted, we will send a copy of all details to your email address known to us, with an overview of the processors concerned with the processing, stating the category under which we have stored
these details.

Right of rectification

You are always entitled to adjustment of the details that we (have) processed and which concern you or can be traced back to you. You can submit such a request to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response within 30 days after your request. If your request is granted, we will send a confirmation of adjustment of the details to your email address known to us.

Recht to restriction of the processing

You are always entitled to restrict the details that we (have) processed and which concern you or can be traced back to you. You can submit such a request to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response within 30 days after your request. If your request is granted, we will send a confirmation, to your email address known to us, that the details will no longer be processed until you lift the restriction.

Recht on transferability

You are always entitled to have the details that we (have) processed and which concern you or can be traced back to you, processed by a different party. You can submit such a request to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response within 30 days after your request. If your request is granted, we will send statements or copies to your email address known to us, of all details about you that we processed or were processed by other processors or third parties, as ordered by us. It is highly likely that in such circumstances we will no longer be able to continue the service provision, because the safe connection of data files can then no longer be guaranteed.

Right of objection and other rights

In some cases you have the right to object against the processing of your personal details by, or on behalf of High-clean.com. If you object, we will immediately cease the processing of details, awaiting the processing of your objection. If your objection is justified, then we will make statements and/or copies of details that we (have) processed available to you and then permanently cease the processing.

Furthermore, you are entitled to not be subjected to automated individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your details such that this right is applicable. If you are of the opinion that we do, please contact our contact person for privacy matters.


Google Analytics

Cookies of the American company Google are placed via our website, as part of the “Analytics”-service. We use this service to obtain details and reports about the way in which visitors use the website. Possibly this processor is obliged, on the basis of the applicable laws and regulations, to give insight in these details. We have not permitted Google to use the analytics-information obtained for other Google services.

Third party cookies

In the event that third party software makes use of cookies, this will be stated in this privacy statement.

Changes in the privacy policy

We always reserve the right to change our privacy policy. On this page you will, however, always find the most recent version. If the new privacy policy has consequences for the way in which we process the already collected details with regard to you, we will inform you of this via email.

Contact details

Tweespan 41
3897 AG  Zeewolde
T 085 401 7873
E info@high-clean.com

Contact for privacy matters: Hendrik Mijnten



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